
California US-101 Driving Conditions
California Road and Traffic Cams
US-101 : SR-150 Rincon Road MP 83.85
US-101 : Bailard Avenue MP 84.508
US-101 : South of Casitas Pass Road MP 85.21
US-101 : Linden Avenue MP 85.962
US-101 : Santa Monica Road MP 86.8
US-101 : Santa Claus Lane MP 87.55
US-101 : Evans Avenue MP 90.97
US-101 : Cabrillo Blvd MP 94.6
US-101 : Milpas Street MP 95.71
US-101 : Garden Street MP 96.29
US-101 : Carrillo Street MP 97.86
US-101 : Las Positas Road MP 99.41
US-101 : El Sueno Rd MP 101.84
US-101 : Turnpike Avenue MP 102.943
US-101 : Patterson Avenue MP 104.04
US-101 : Fairview Avenue MP 105.31
US-101 : Los Carneros Road MP 106.6
US-101 : Glen Annie Rd / Storke Rd MP 107.66
US-101 : Glen Annie Road SB Exit MP 107.999
US 101 : SR-246 MP 139.86
US-101 : 6 Miles south of Los Alamos MP 147.7
US-101 : Union Valley Parkway MP 166.03
US-101 : Betteravia Rd MP 169.49
US-101 : Stowell Rd MP 170.31
US-101 : North of Donovan Rd MP 172.606
US-101 : SR-135 Broadway MP 173.65
US-101 : South of Tefft St MP 177.163
US-101 : Grand Avenue MP 186.91
US-101 : Camino Mercado MP 187.83
US-101 : 4th Street MP 189.14
US-101 : SR-1 and Bello St MP 190.73
US-101 : Mattie Road MP 191.81
US-101 : Spyglass Dr MP 193.35
US-101 : Avila Beach Drive MP 194.49
US-101 : San Luis Bay Drive MP 195.56
US-101 : South Higuera Street MP 197.83
US-101 : Los Osos Valley Road MP 199.45
US-101 : Madonna Road MP 201.02
US-101 : Marsh Street MP 201.55
US-101 : Broad Street MP 202.26
US-101 : Grand Avenue SLO MP 203.14
US-101 : Monterey Street MP 203.59
US-101 : Fox Hollow MP 204.51
US-101 : Reservoir Canyon Road MP 205.217
US-101 : North of Reservoir Canyon Road MP 205.974
US-101 : Bottom of Cuesta Grade MP 206.469
US-101 : Old 101 Turnout MP 207.209
US-101 : South of Old Stagecoach Road MP 207.986
US-101 : Top of Cuesta Grade MP 208.685
US-101 : North of Cuesta Grade MP 209.278
US-101 : South of Tassajara Creek Road MP 209.754
US-101 : SR-58 MP 211.4
US-101 : Santa Barbara Rd MP 215.78
US-101 : Santa Rosa Rd MP 217.5
US-101 : Curbaril MP 218.34
US-101 : SR-41 West MP 219.06
US-101 : Traffic Way MP 219.59
US-101 : San Anselmo Road MP 220.924
US-101 : Del Rio Road MP 221.967
US-101 : San Ramon Road MP 222.991
US-101 : Vineyard Drive MP 224.335
US-101 : Las Tablas Road MP 225.287
US-101 : North Main St – Theater Dr MP 226.144
US-101 : SR-46 West Offramp MP 227.65
US-101 : SR-46 West Onramp MP 227.934
US-101 : South of Niblick Road MP 228.578
US-101 : Niblick Road MP 229.06
US-101 : Paso Robles Street MP 229.809
US-101 : 17th Street Onramp MP 230.76
US-101 : SR-46 East MP 231.38
US-101 : Spring Street Southbound Exit MP 232.659
US-101 : Stockdale Road MP 233.63
US-101 : Airport Blvd MP 325.94
US-101 : South of Sanborn Road MP 326.2
US-101 : South of John Street MP 326.83
US-101 : Market Street MP 327.65
US-101 : North Main Street MP 328.5
US-101 : Laurel Drive MP 329.53
US-101 : Boronda Road MP 331.17
US-101 : Espinosa Rd MP 332.09
US-101 : South of Sala Road MP 332.69
US-101 : South Rd in Prunedale MP 334.65
US-101 : Pesante Road MP 335.07
US-101 : San Miguel Canyon Rd MP 336.7
US-101 : Mallory Canyon Rd MP 338.18
US-101 : Crazy Horse Canyon Rd MP 338.58
US-101 : San Juan Road MP 341.6
US-101 : Rocks Rd MP 343.82
US-101 : SR-156 East MP 344.9
US-101 : Anzar Rd MP 346.04
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